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Are you Ready for 2025?


According to the 2024 Statista poll, the most popular New Year's resolutions in the U.S. for 2025 is to save more money (21%), exercise more (17%) and eat healthier (19%). But according to this ABC News article, nearly 80% of people lose track of their goals in mid-February. Don’t be one of them.

For some paying off debt is a top financial resolution in the new year, according to a recent survey. Financial advisors say other moves, including  mindfully prioritizing spending, may help bring better balance to your financial and mental health in the new year.


Here are some money moves advisors recommend considering in 2025. When it comes to financial resolutions, paying down debt is at the top of many to-do lists for 2025. We financial advisors and educators who work with clients every day recognize your priority list is unique too you. Your list should be your top financial priorities for 2025. 


If  you want to increase your savings. Improve your return on investment. Or just figure out what you should be doing to get ahead in the new year. Join us as we roll out a personal financial management training agenda for 2025. Sign up for access to your free complimentary calendar and checklist at www.Acommonunity.Org


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