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What you don't know can hurt you.

Alternative Investments
  • What are alternative investments?
  • Why consider alternative investments?
  • Can alternative investments make a difference in my investment portfolio?
  • Can alternative investments make a difference in my community?
  • Can alternative investments make a difference in my business?
  • Alternative investments can  play a role in in your portfolio, in your community and in your business  and potentially increasing your returns. 
Aaron Baker, Founder,
Managing Director
Baker & Associates RIA ,LLC
  • We identify business  development, investment and financing opportunities.

  • We assist in Reg D crowdfunding arrangements.

  • We work with investors and governments providing managerial assistance to small businesses and community organizations.

  • We analyze and assess investment and funding opportunities with a focus on actively adding value to client relationships.

  • We assist in developing community eco-systems allowing for enhanced communications, strategic planning and growth.

  • Our resources provide a cross section of educational, technical and financial capabilities.

Securities Firm CRD 170951

Cal Ins 0E50824

Providing securities and insurance presents and inherent conflict of interest. Please review how we manage this conflict in our disclosures tab

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Nothing contained herein is intended to constitute accounting, legal, tax, security or investment advice, nor an opinion regarding the appropriateness of any investment, nor a solicitation of any type. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of Bake & Associates RIA, LLC (BARIA) as of the date of writing and are subject to change with no obligation to update.​

Investing in any investment product carries risk, including the possible loss of principal, and there can be no assurance that any investment strategy will provide positive performance over a period of time. The asset classes and/or investment strategies described in this publication may not be suitable for all investors.

© 2023 by Baker & Associates RIA. LLC

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